Shock Collar Not Working on Husky – Causes, Troubleshooting & Training




Shock Collar Not Working on Husky


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A shock collar is a commonly used device for dog training, but it may not work for all breeds. Due to their high intelligence and energy levels, huskies frequently resist conventional training techniques.

If you’ve found that your shock collar not working on the Husky, it could be due to the collar’s sensitivity level not matching the husky’s sensitivity level to make it shake in fear, or it may be because of some other reasons.

However, there are ways to make things work, so don’t worry. This article will go over everything.

Keep in mind it’s essential to understand that a shock collar should never be used as a punishment but rather as a tool to help guide and reinforce positive behavior.

So, make sure you keep a note of that. Now here’s all you need to know about shock collars not working on husky and its solutions,

Possible Causes Behind A Shock Collar Not Working on Husky

If you’re a proud husky owner, you’re probably familiar with the many challenges of training this intelligent, independent breed, especially with a shock collar. 

It is now a common issue for pet owners that their shock collars do not work on their husky after a particular time. And there could be several causes for this, such as, 

  • Insufficient stimulation is not high enough. If the shock isn’t strong enough, your dog may tune it out as background noise. In that case, talk to your veterinarian or a professional trainer about finding the right stimulation level for your dog.
  • A loose fit. Loose-fitting collars can cause the prongs to lose contact with your dog’s skin, which means the electric current won’t be fully felt. Ensure the collar is snug but not too tight, and check the fit frequently to ensure it hasn’t become loose over time.
  • Low battery. The most basic and common cause of a shock collar not working is a low battery. Check the battery level before using the collar and replace it if necessary.
  • Incorrect settings. If the settings on the collar are incorrect, it won’t work correctly. Be sure to adjust the settings according to your husky’s size and behavior before you start using the collar.
  • Damaged collar. If your shock collar has been damaged, this could also be why it isn’t working correctly. Check the receiver unit and ensure all parts are in good condition before using it again.
  • Interference. Shock collars can sometimes be interfered with by other devices sending out signals in the same frequency range, such as cell phones, other electronic devices, etc. 

Try moving aside from any possible interference sources to make your shock collar function properly.

Troubleshooting Steps for Working a Shock Collar on a Husky 

When troubleshooting a shock collar on a husky, it is essential to go through a few steps to ensure the collar is functioning properly.

First, ensure that the collar and remote batteries are both operational.

Also, check the contact points of the collar for secure fastening.

Then, check the receiver and transmitter to ensure proper connection. Additionally, ensure that the shock setting is set to a moderate level.

Finally, test the collar by pressing the remote button and observing the dog’s response. If the collar functions correctly, the dog should respond to the stimulation.

It’s essential to choose the right collar with adjustable settings and consult a professional trainer for guidance. By combining different approaches and understanding the unique traits of huskies, you can establish a stronger bond with your pet and make training sessions more effective. For more information, check out our guide on the best shock collars for huskies.

Other Methods of Training a Huskey Other Than the Shock Collar

When it comes to training your husky, there are a variety of different methods that you can use. While the shock collar is undoubtedly an option, it’s not the only one. Other approaches may be equally or even more successful. These techniques include shaping, clicker training, and positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement. Using this technique, you encourage your husky to behave well rather than punish them when they don’t. Treats, compliments, or even a simple head pat can be used to do this. 

Clicker training. A clicking sound is used in this type of operant conditioning to indicate the desired action. Once your husky associates the click with a positive reward, they’ll be more likely to repeat the desired behavior. 

Finally, there’s shaping. This is a technique where you gradually mold your husky’s behavior by rewarding them for getting closer and closer to the desired behavior. 

For example, if you’re trying to teach your husky to sit, you might start by rewarding them for standing still. Once they’ve mastered that, you’ll move on to rewarding them for putting their butt down on the ground.

Why Are Huskies So Challenging to Train? 

Huskies are beautiful, majestic animals that can make wonderful family pets. Unfortunately, training them can be incredibly challenging. Despite their intelligence and high energy, they require extra patience and commitment. 

E-Collar Training for Huskies

Here are some of the most common challenges associated with training a husky: 

Stubbornness: Huskies are notoriously stubborn and independent dogs, which makes it challenging to train them in basic commands. They often resist orders and could even go against what you would anticipate of them.

High-Energy Levels: Huskies were bred to run for long distances in cold climates, so they have an abundance of energy that needs to be channeled into productive activities like obedience training or agility courses. 

Without enough exercise, your husky is prone to get bored and restless, resulting in negative behaviors.

Strong Prey Drive: Huskies have a strong prey drive that can make it challenging to leash train them and keep them from chasing after other animals or small children. 

This instinctive behavior must be managed through proper obedience training and positive reinforcement techniques. 

Distractibility: Since huskies were bred as working dogs, they have an innate need to explore their surroundings and investigate new objects and smells. Distractibility can make it difficult for them to stay focused during obedience training or on-leash walks in public places.  


Using shock collars on huskies can sometimes be ineffective and even harmful. These dogs are often stubborn and highly intelligent, making them less likely to respond to negative reinforcement.

Additionally, the physical and psychological harm caused by shock collars can be detrimental to the health and well-being of the dog.

Instead, positive reinforcement training methods such as reward-based training, clicker training, and obedience training should be utilized to train and communicate with huskies effectively.

The well-being of our furry companions should always be a top priority, and using shock collars is not an ethical or effective training solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my shock collar not working on my Husky?

When a shock collar does not work on a Husky, a few potential causes should be explored.

First, check the battery to ensure it is at a sufficient charge. It’s possible that the battery won’t provide enough electricity if it’s not fully charged.

Second, check the collar’s contact points to ensure that they are clean and securely attached to the Husky’s neck.

Finally, check the collar’s sensitivity level to ensure it is correctly set for the Husky’s size and coat.

If these factors are in order, it may be necessary to take the collar to a professional to diagnose any technical issues.

Do shock collars work on Siberian huskies?

Siberian Huskies can be trained well with the use of shock collars. However, it is crucial to consider the breed’s temperament and behavioral tendencies.

Siberian Huskies can be independent and strong-willed, so shock collars should be employed judiciously and only in extreme cases.

It is crucial to ensure that the shock collar is combined with other positive reinforcement methods and that the use of the collar is carefully monitored.

It is also vital to select a shock collar specifically designed for larger breeds. A collar that is too small may be ineffectual and uncomfortable. 

How do you get a shock collar to work on a Husky?

When using a shock collar to train a Husky, it is essential to understand the nuances of the device and its intended use.

First, ensure that the collar fits properly and is sized to the Husky’s size and weight. It is also essential to understand the various intensity levels, start on the lowest setting, and gradually increase as needed.

After the collar is fitted, the next step is to pair the collar with the remote control.

Once the collar is paired, you can begin with the commands you wish to teach your Husky and use the remote to administer the appropriate stimulation level when the Husky does not comply with the command.

Why is my dog not affected by the shock collar?

It is not uncommon for dogs not to be affected by shock collars. This could be because the collar may not work correctly, the wrong setting is being used, or the dog is not sensitive to the stimulus.

Additionally, the dog may have become habituated to the collar, resulting in a diminished response.

Do vets agree with shock collars?

Any veterinarian will tell you that employing a shock collar should only be done as a last resort after trying out several other effective training techniques.

They believe educating pet owners on the proper use of the collars and the importance of positive reinforcement is paramount.

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