
How to Train An Aggressive Dog with a Shock Collar | 15 Steps Guide



train an aggressive dog with a shock collar


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Dogs are great, but sometimes they can be a little difficult to handle. It’s not just because of how they act, either—dogs often have their own personal quirks that make them who they are.

For example, my dog likes to chew on things without permission and he doesn’t always listen when I tell him “no” or “stop.” That didn’t really matter until now, but it turns out there is actually a way to train an aggressive dog with a shock collar! Here’s how it works:

Shock collars emit an electric current when activated by the user (usually through a remote), which is meant as both positive reinforcement and negative punishment in order for dogs to learn what behaviors are desired of them.

To break down how to train your doggy with a shock collar, here are a few steps.

How to train an aggressive dog with shock collars

how to train an aggressive dog with a shock collar

Step 1: Collar Size

Find a collar that’s the right size for your pet. Too big and it won’t be effective, too small and you risk choking them or causing injuries to their neck.

Step 2: Understand Your Collar and E collar Training Techniques:

Shock collars are not a magic pill, just like any other training tool.

The collar should be left on for as long as your dog needs to learn the desired behavior–usually about three days.

Give the shock every time they do something wrong (not when you catch them in the act) and gradually

Step 3: Begin With Boundary Training:

Start by teaching your dogs that they cannot cross a boundary.

Set up fences or boundaries and issue the shock command when you see them go near it, but don’t catch them in the act. If they are outside of the designated area give them a warning first with just a sound to let them know what will happen if they do.

Step 4: Add Praise and Treats In Combo With the Shock Collar:

You can also give positive reinforcement such as praise and treats when they obey the command.

-When using the shock collar, you should not exaggerate its effect on your dog in order to teach it how bad behaviors are handled by giving out a stronger zap than necessary or for too long of a period of time.

Doing so will just confuse your doggy and make it more aggressive. Punishment should be a very quick, sharp zap that’s only carried out for approximately six seconds or so at the most.

-Shock collars can also be used to help with training dogs who are frightened of certain noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms; just put the collar on your pet about ten minutes before the event starts and then use it every time they make a noise.

-Shock collars can be used for training dogs who are socializing with other animals to stop excessive barking as well, by giving them an electric shock when their barking is too loud or at a certain frequency that makes others uncomfortable.

Step 5: Learn Body Language For Aggressive Behaviors:

Your dog will always tell you that they are about to behave aggressively.  Watch for these signs and don’t ignore them!

-You may also want to learn how your dog communicates with you. Dogs usually have certain body language that they use when communicating their feelings, but a lot of people fail to look out for this because it’s so subtle.

Step 6: Teach Your Puppy How To Sit in Order To Remove The Shock Collar

-In order to remove the collar, simply teach them how to sit first! Give them plenty of time and practice this before you ever do.

-A really good training plan would be to first teach your dog how to sit, then move on and teach them how to lay down. If they can’t get it right after a few tries or if they keep getting up midway through the process of being trained, just take off the collar for now and put it back on later when you’re ready to continue training.

-Shock collars are not for everyone, however, it is still a great alternative if the above methods have failed in the past and your dog just doesn’t seem like they know how to stop its aggression problem. And with some patience, time, and practice, it will work!

Step 7: Use the Vibrate Function To Interrupt Aggressive Behavior

If your doggy is aggressive, then you should try to use the vibrate function on its collar. This will alert them that they’re doing something wrong and it’ll stop whatever behavior they were about to do – whether it be barking or lunging toward another animal or person.

Step 8: Expect Some Backlash From Those Around You On How To Train An Aggressive Dog With A Shock Collar Method

But don’t be too worried about this! Especially if you’re going to use a shock collar, people are bound to have their own opinions on how you should handle your doggy. But remember that the goal is to help your doggy, not to judge how you’re doing it.

Step 9: Make Sure To Use The Proper Collar

This means that if they have a thick coat or are older, go for the prong collar instead of the shock collar because their fur can’t handle the electric current as well. While this is something we want to avoid on a younger Puppy with short fur, it’s not something we want to do if the pup has long or thick hair.

Step 10: Use The Proper Amount of Current

The right amount will depend on how aggressive your pet is and what you’re trying to get them to learn. Generally speaking, this means starting out at low levels When using a shock collar, one of the most important factors you’ll need to think about is how much current should be emitted. This means if your doggy is big and has tense muscles, don’t use more than 12-15 volts because they can feel it just as intensely without having an impact on their body.

However, if you want to train an aggressive dog with a shock collar, for example, you’ll want to use more than that.

Step 11: Use The Collar To Reinforce Your Dog’s Behavior In A Positive Way

Once you’ve set up your shock collar, it can be used as both positive reinforcement and negative punishment for dogs to learn what behaviors are desired of them or not wanted.

Step 12: Continue E-Collar and Praise/Treat Training on Other Commands – Sit, Down, Stay, Heel, Off, Come, etc.

You should continue to teach your doggy other commands, such as sit and down, while also integrating the use of an e-collar for rewarding good behavior or correcting bad behaviors with a shock. 

Step 13: Keep Learning About Dog Training

If you want to do this, it’s important that you keep learning about pet training and how best to train your pup. Don’t be afraid of the e-collar – it can help turn a troublesome pet into an obedient one! It’s all in how you use them.

Step 14: Work With A Community of Dogs You Don’t Know

If you’re feeling lonely, find a community of dogs that you don’t already know. Meetup is great for this because then it’s not just about your puppy training but how to train an aggressive dog with a shock collar and other topics related to pet ownership.

Step 15: Reward Yourself After Your Pet Training Is Complete

When your doggy has finished training, reward yourself with a pat on the back. You deserve it! Celebrate how far they’ve come and all of the hard work you put together to turn their behavior around. Keep up the good work!

Will a Shock Collar Help With Aggressive Dogs?

It might. Shock collars are used to train dogs that have already gone through basic training, as they’re meant to be both positive reinforcement and negative punishment in order for them to learn what behaviors you want from them and which ones you don’t.

The collars emit an electric current when activated by the user, which is meant as both positive reinforcement and negative punishment in order for dogs to learn what behaviors are desired of them and which ones aren’t.

They’re most often used on aggressive or stubborn pups that have a hard time learning how to behave without some extra help. 

Some people believe that shock collars are inhumane and may be overkill for an issue like aggression, though.

It’s not a good idea to use them with smaller breeds of dogs either as their necks can’t take the pressure from the collar too well.

There are a few different types of shock collars you can choose from, but they all work in the same general way.

The most common style is an e-collar or electric collar with electrodes on it that emits an electrical current when activated by remote control; there’s also the citronella spray collar which releases a spray of citronella oil when activated, and finally, the sonic collar which emits a sound that’s too high for human hearing to notice but is likely painful to dogs.

The best thing about these collars? They were not expensive at all! You can find it here.

They won’t work going off on their own without remote control, so don’t worry about that.

Here are some of the most common questions people ask About Train an Aggressive dog with a shock collar:

Do shock collars hurt?

The type of collar you choose can make it more or less painful for your dogs to wear; electric ones will obviously be quite uncomfortable while citronella spray collars are not.

Sonic ones will be the least noticeable to your doggy and give off a sound that’s too high for humans to hear, but dogs can sense it.

Is this humane?

In our opinion, yes; electric shock fields or citronella sprays are meant as punishments only when the animal does something wrong.

How many shocks should I give?

You can’t just continually shock your doggy or they’ll get used to the feeling and not care about it anymore – you need to vary how often you administer a correction, or else your pup will learn that this is just normal behavior.

What if my pet doesn’t respond?

If your pet doesn’t respond to the shock collar, you can take a break and try again later.

What if my dog is still aggressive after training?

This might be an indication that there’s something else wrong with your pup – consult your veterinarian for more information on how to proceed.

Do shock collars cause aggression?

A shock collar can cause aggression in a number of ways.

It could be that your dog is scared and acting aggressively as an act of self-defense – this may or may not go away with time so take caution when approaching the animal for now!

Shock collars are sometimes used to deter dogs from barking, which leads If you administer a correction in the wrong way, this can cause your pet to be aggressive.

If your pet doesn’t know how to react when they receive an electric current from their collar, this could lead them to become more aggressive.

Shock collars are also not recommended for certain breeds of dogs that have behavioral issues or are more sensitive to electric current.

What should you do if your dog is aggressive when wearing a shock collar?

If your pet has been showing signs of aggression for at least a week, we recommend consulting with an animal behavior specialist or veterinarian before using the device on them.

If your pup is aggressive when wearing a shock collar, it could be because they’re scared and trying to defend themselves. This type of aggression should usually go away with time as the animal learns how to react differently in these situations.

Shock collars are sometimes used to deter dogs from barking which leads them to be more irritable.

If your pup is aggressive when wearing a shock collar, it could also be because they’re just trying to get attention or play. This type of aggression usually goes away after the animal learns how to behave in these situations as well.

What should you do if your dog is scared and acting aggressively?

The best thing to do if your pup is scared and acting aggressively while wearing a shock collar would be to stop using it. Try sitting down next to them and reassuring them that you’re not going anywhere.

Try giving your dog plenty of love before they put the collar on so that they know how much you care for them– this will help.

Is shock collar training cruel?

Shock collars are not cruel, in fact, they’re humane because they help teach your pet how to behave better.

They can also be used as a safety measure if the animal has behavioral issues and you don’t want them hurting themselves or any other animals nearby.

The electric current is the equivalent of a static shock from walking across a rug.

How does it work? Shock collars emit an electric current when activated by the user (usually through a remote), which is meant as both positive reinforcement and negative punishment in order for dogs to learn what behaviors are desired of them and which ones should be ignored.

The level of intensity can be adjusted depending on the dog’s size and weight- typically ranges from an annoying tingle to downright painful levels for stubborn animals.

Why is my dog getting more aggressive?

This can be caused by a number of factors, such as anxiety, a new living environment, or just the general process and natural course of aging.

But don’t worry! We have a fix for that. Try using one of these humane shock collars to train your pup how to behave better with you and others in no time at all.

How do I use it? Shock collars can be used at home or with the help of a professional on walks in order to teach your pet how to behave and react appropriately in different situations.

What are some benefits? These devices come with a range of features that will allow you, as an owner, to train your dog how to behave better and live more peacefully with you.

What are the possible drawbacks? Shock collars should not be used as a training device for puppies but only after they’ve reached 12 weeks of age when their brain has developed enough that it can process feedback from such shocks in order to learn faster than before.

I write a brief guide about How to train an aggressive dog with a shock collar, I hope it helps you to train your doggy easily.

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