Pet owners often overlook the dangers of improperly fitted dog collars. While a collar is a necessary accessory for any pup, it is essential to ensure it is the correct size and works properly.
Otherwise, it can cause a range of physical and psychological issues. One of the most severe issues that can arise is a dog choked by the collar, causing bloodshot eyes. It usually happens due to the misfit of the collar your dog wears.
However, this blog post will explore overall causes, prevention, and treatments for dogs choked by collars with bloodshot eyes. We will also look at the warning signs to look out for that indicate your pup may have a misfitted collar.
So, without further ado, let’s get started.
What are the Causes of Dogs Choking by Collar with Bloodshot Eyes?
It can be heartbreaking to see your dog choking and gasping for air. However, staying calm and acting quickly is important if your dog is choking.
The most common causes of dogs choked by collars are strangulation, suffocation, and impact Injuries.
Strangulation occurs when the collar becomes too tight and restricts the dog’s breathing ability.
When a collar is tightened around a dog’s neck, it constricts its windpipe and can lead to severe oxygen deprivation. This can cause various symptoms, including coughing, gagging, and choking.
Furthermore, if the pressure from a collar is maintained long enough, it can cause irreversible damage to the trachea, larynx, and other internal structures of the throat.
Uncomfortably tight or loose collars can potentially suffocate a person. For example, if a collar loosens up during playtime or exercises, it can become wrapped around the dog’s muzzle and restrict its breathing.
A muzzle-style collar should never be used on any breed of dog as they are known to slip off or become entangled in long fur easily.
In addition to strangulation and suffocation, impact injuries are another common cause of choking in dogs with bloodshot eyes.
If a dog collides with an obstacle or falls while wearing a tight-fitting collar, it could cause significant trauma to its airway and neck muscles leading to choking.
To prevent mishaps like these, ensure your dog wears a collar that is the proper size.
Other Reasons for Dogs Choking Causing Bloodshot Eyes
Choking in dogs can be caused by various factors other than collars. Some more common reasons for choking include foreign objects lodged in the throat, ingestion of certain foods and treats, tumors, or parasites in the throat.
Additionally, respiratory conditions such as tracheal collapse, laryngeal paralysis, or aspiration pneumonia can obstruct the airway and lead to choking.
Since choking can be a symptom of a more serious medical issue, it is important to observe your dog for any additional signs of distress, such as coughing, gagging, or difficulty breathing.
Collar Safety Tips to Prevent Dog Choking
A dog’s collar should never be so tight that it causes the dog discomfort or restricts its movement in any way.
If you notice your dog’s eyes are bloodshot, this is a sign that the collar is too tight and irritating. The best way to prevent this is to check the collar’s fit regularly and adjust it as needed.
You should also avoid using collars made of materials that can cause skin irritations, such as nylon or polyester.
Ways to Stop Dogs from Choking and Getting Bloodshot Eyes
There could be other reasons for dog choking too. So, here are some tips that can help prevent your pup from having bloodshot eyes due to choking:
Always supervise your dog while they eat. Take the time to monitor your pup while eating and ensure that no bones or large pieces of food are being swallowed whole. This will lessen the risk of them strangling their food.
Slice up huge meals into smaller, easier-to-eat portions. For example, if you’re feeding your pup something like chicken or steak, it’s best to cut it into small pieces, so they don’t accidentally swallow it whole.
Don’t leave food lying around where your pup can access it. If you’re not actively supervising them while they eat, then make sure that the food is safely stored away from them until mealtime.
This will help prevent them from trying to snack on larger pieces of food that could cause choking issues.
Make sure your dog gets adequate exercise and excitement throughout the day. Regular playtime and exercise will help keep their minds active and may even help reduce their desire to chew on objects that could be a choking hazard.
How to Treat Dogs’ Bloodshot Eyes Due to Choking?
If your dog’s eyes appear red and bloodshot due to choking from a collar, it is important to act quickly and calmly.
First, you should gently remove the collar, ensuring that it does not further irritate the area.
Then, you should flush the eyes with a saline solution and contact your veterinarian’s office to determine if further treatment is necessary. Your veterinarian may prescribe eye drops or ointment to reduce swelling and irritation.
Additionally, inspect the collar to determine if it is too tight or if its material is causing an allergic reaction. If so, finding an alternative collar that fits comfortably is important.
Finally, it is important to keep an eye on your dog’s eyes for any further signs of irritation or a negative reaction to the new collar.
Signs to Look out for Dogs Choking Other Than Bloodshot Eyes
Knowing the signs of a dog choking is important, as it can be a life-threatening emergency.
In addition to the obvious sign of bloodshot eyes, some other important signs to look out for are extreme drooling, coughing, and gagging.
Additionally, the dog could become anxious and show trouble breathing. It is also important to note if the dog is making wheezing or honking sounds, as this may indicate a severe obstruction.
Additionally, the dog may paw at their mouth and gag as they attempt to dislodge the obstruction.
Finally, the dog may appear to be weak and disoriented or may even collapse.
If you notice a dog choked by a collar with bloodshot eyes, it can be a sign of distress, and you should seek veterinary help immediately.
Additionally, it’s crucial to frequently check the dog’s collar to ensure it isn’t too tight. Remove the collar immediately if your dog is exhibiting signs of choking, such as bloodshot eyes or difficulty breathing.
Remember taking the necessary precautions can help keep your pet safe and healthy.
Can choking cause bloodshot eyes?
Choking is one potential cause of bloodshot eyes in dogs, but it’s not the only one. The scientific term for this condition is conjunctivitis, which is often caused by inhaling foreign material, such as smoke, that irritates the eyes.
Excessive coughing and difficulty breathing can also be observed if a dog is choking. In addition to bloodshot eyes, a dog with conjunctivitis may experience swelling and discharge from the eyes.
Prompt veterinary attention is recommended to determine the exact cause of conjunctivitis and to provide appropriate treatment.
What does it mean when a dog has bloodshot red eyes?
When a dog has bloodshot red eyes, it is typically an indication of inflammation or irritation in the eye.
Numerous things, like allergies, infections, or even a substance in the eyeball, might cause this. In some cases, the eye may appear slightly swollen, and the inner eyelids may be slightly reddened.
If the redness does not resolve within a few days, the dog must be seen by a veterinarian for further testing.
What to do if a dog’s eye is bloodshot?
If a dog’s eye appears red or bloodshot, it is important to seek veterinary advice as soon as possible to determine the cause.
Treatment options may include topical medications, antibiotics, or surgery, depending on the underlying reason.
Additionally, the vet may recommend a specialized diet or dietary supplements to improve the dog’s condition.
However, it’s crucial to carefully consider the veterinarian’s recommendations and follow up as advised because if left untreated, some disorders might result in long-term issues.
Why does my dog’s eye look bloody?
When a dog’s eye appears bloody or discolored, there can be many underlying causes.
In some cases, a corneal ulcer, infection, or even trauma can cause blood vessels in the eye to rupture, causing a bloody appearance. Other conditions such as glaucoma, cancer, or a foreign body in the eye can also cause a bloody appearance.
If the discoloration is accompanied by any other signs, such as squinting, swelling, excessive tearing, or discharge, in that case, there may be some other severe issues that need to be checked right away.
How do I know if my dog’s bloodshot eye injury is serious?
Signs of a serious eye injury include an increase in tear production, visible discharge, swelling, cloudiness, or a change in eye color.
Additionally, if your dog is in pain, has trouble opening and closing the eye, or is pawing at its eye, it is likely serious.
So, it is still a good idea to have a vet take a look, as some eye injuries can worsen without proper treatment.