Andis Dog Clippers Not Cutting: Troubleshooting Tips and Solutions




Andis Dog Clippers Not Cutting


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Andis dog clippers are popular among pet owners and groomers due to their high-quality performance and durability. However, even the best clippers can encounter issues with time and use. One common issue pet owners and groomers face is Andis dog clippers not cutting correctly. This can be frustrating and make the grooming process more difficult and time-consuming.

There are several reasons why Andis dog clippers may not be cutting correctly. One reason is dull blades. Over time, the blades can become dull, resulting in the clippers not cutting hair as effectively. Misalignment of the blade can also cause the clippers not to cut correctly. If the blades are not properly aligned, they may not be able to cut hair evenly or at all. Motor problems and inadequate maintenance can also contribute to the issue.

Understanding Andis Dog Clippers

Andis is a well-known brand that produces high-quality dog clippers. Their clippers are durable, easy to use, and come in various models to suit different needs. Andis clippers are popular among pet owners and professional groomers alike.

The Andis clipper range includes the Andis Master, a heavy-duty clipper ideal for thick coats and heavy use. The Andis AGC2 is another popular model known for its quiet operation and versatility. Andis also produces a range of cordless clippers, including the Andis Pulse ZR II and the Andis ProClip Ion.

One of the reasons why Andis clippers are so popular is because they are designed to be easy to maintain. The blades can be easily removed and replaced, and Andis provides a range of blade options to suit different coat types and lengths. The clippers also come with various accessories, including blade oil and cleaning brushes, to help keep them in good condition.

When using Andis clippers, it is important to ensure that the blades are sharp and well-maintained. Dull blades can cause the clippers to pull at the hair rather than cut it, making the grooming process more difficult for the dog. Regular cleaning and oiling of the blades can help to keep them sharp and in good condition.

Overall, Andis clippers are a reliable and popular choice for dog grooming. With a range of models to choose from and a reputation for quality and durability, Andis is a brand many pet owners and groomers trust.

Common Problems with Andis Clippers

Andis is a well-known brand in the pet grooming industry, but like any other product, their clippers can face some problems. Here are some common issues that pet owners may encounter when using Andis clippers:

Dull Blades

One of the most common problems with dog clippers is dull blades, and Andis clippers are no exception. Dull blades can result in inefficient cutting, pulling of the hair, and discomfort for your pet. To troubleshoot this problem, pet owners can sharpen the blades or replace them with new ones. Sharpening the blades after every use is recommended to ensure optimal performance.

Clipper Not Cutting Hair Properly

If the Andis clipper is not cutting hair properly, pet owners should check if the blade is attached correctly. Sometimes, the blade may become loose and cause the clipper to malfunction. Another reason could be that the blade is dirty or clogged with hair, which can be cleaned using a brush or compressed air.

Clipper Overheating

If the Andis clipper is overheating, it could be due to various reasons. One of the most common reasons is that the clipper is used for an extended period without any breaks. To troubleshoot this issue, pet owners should let the clipper cool down before using it again. Another reason could be that the blade is not lubricated, which can be solved by applying a few drops of oil.

Cord or Circuit Board Issues

If the Andis clipper is not working, it could be due to cord or circuit board issues. Pet owners should check the cord for any visible damage or fraying. If the cord is damaged, it needs to be replaced. If the cord is fine, then the issue might be with the circuit board, which needs to be fixed by a professional.

By knowing these common problems with Andis clippers, pet owners can troubleshoot and fix the issue quickly. However, if the problem persists, it is always recommended to seek professional help.

Blade Issues and Solutions

Blade issues are often the culprit for Andis dog clippers not cutting. Here are some common blade issues and solutions:

Dull Blades

Dull blades are a common problem that can cause Andis clippers to stop cutting. Over time, blades can become dull from regular use. When this happens, they won’t be able to cut through hair as easily. Fortunately, there are several solutions to this problem:

  • Sharpen the blades: Sharpening the blades can restore their cutting ability. You can either sharpen the blades yourself or take them to a professional for sharpening.
  • Replace the blades: If they are too dull to sharpen, it may be time to replace them. Andis offers a variety of replacement blades for their clippers.
  • Use a blade coolant: Using a blade coolant can help keep the blades sharp and cool during use.

Clogged Blades

Another common issue with Andis dog clippers is clogged blades. When hair, dirt, and other debris build up on the blades, they won’t be able to cut effectively. Here are some solutions to this problem:

  • Clean the blades: Regularly cleaning the blades can help prevent buildup. You can use a blade cleaner or brush the blades with a toothbrush.
  • Oil the blades: Applying a few drops of oil before use can help prevent buildup.


If the blades are not properly cared for, they can rust over time. Rust can cause the blades to become dull and ineffective. Here are some solutions to this problem:

  • Clean and oil the blades regularly: Regularly cleaning and oiling the blades can help prevent rust.
  • Use a rust remover: If the blades are already rusted, you can use a rust remover to restore them.

Addressing these common blade issues allows Andis dog clippers to be restored to their full cutting potential.

Maintenance of Andis Clippers

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of Andis dog clippers, proper maintenance is essential. This section will cover the three main aspects of Andis clipper maintenance: cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment.


Cleaning is an essential part of maintaining Andis dog clippers. It is recommended to clean the clipper after each use to prevent hair and dirt buildup, which can cause the clipper to malfunction. Here are the steps to clean your Andis clipper:

  1. Turn off the clipper and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the blade and brush off any hair and debris.
  3. Wipe the clipper body with a clean, dry cloth.
  4. Use a small brush to clean the blade and blade socket.
  5. Use a clipper cleaning spray to remove any remaining hair and debris.
  6. Dry the blade and blade socket with a clean, dry cloth.
  7. Reattach the blade to the clipper.


Lubrication is another important aspect of Andis clipper maintenance. Proper lubrication ensures the clipper runs smoothly and prevents the blade from overheating. Here are the steps to lubricate your Andis clipper:

  1. Apply a few drops of clipper oil to the blade and blade socket.
  2. Turn on the clipper and let it run for a few seconds to distribute the oil.
  3. Turn off the clipper and wipe any excess oil with a clean, dry cloth.

It is recommended to lubricate the Andis clipper before each use.


Adjustment is the final aspect of Andis clipper maintenance. Proper adjustment will ensure that the clipper cuts hair evenly and smoothly. Here are the steps to adjust your Andis clipper:

  1. Turn on the clipper and let it run for a few seconds.
  2. Turn off the clipper and unplug it from the power source.
  3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws on the blade.
  4. Adjust the blade so that it is parallel to the clipper body.
  5. Tighten the screws on the blade.
  6. Please turn on the clipper and let it run for a few seconds to ensure the blade is aligned correctly.

Adjusting the Andis clipper blade after every few uses or if the clipper is not cutting hair evenly is recommended.

In conclusion, proper maintenance of Andis dog clippers is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Regular cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment will keep the clipper running smoothly and prevent malfunctions.

Wear and Tear of Andis Clippers

Andis clippers are a popular choice for pet owners and professional groomers alike. However, like any tool, they are subject to wear and tear over time. This can lead to various issues, including blades that won’t cut, motors that run slowly, and malfunctioning cords. Understanding the causes of wear and tear can help you keep your Andis clippers in top condition for longer.

Regular use is one of the most common causes of wear and tear on Andis clippers. The more you use your clippers, the more wear they will experience. This can cause the blades to become dull, the motor to run slower, and the cord to fray or break. While regular use is unavoidable, there are steps you can take to minimize wear and tear. For example, you can:

  • Use the correct blade for the type of hair you are cutting
  • Keep the blades clean and lubricated
  • Avoid dropping or mishandling the clippers
  • Store the clippers in a dry, cool place when not in use

Another factor that can contribute to wear and tear on Andis clippers is improper maintenance. If you do not regularly clean and lubricate your clippers, dirt, hair, and other debris can build up inside the blades and motor. This can cause the blades to become dull and the motor to run slower. To avoid these issues, it is essential to:

  • Clean the blades after each use
  • Oil the blades regularly
  • Remove any hair or debris from the motor housing
  • Use compressed air to blow out any dust or debris from the motor

In addition to regular use and improper maintenance, environmental factors can contribute to wear and tear on Andis clippers. For example, exposure to heat, moisture, or harsh chemicals can cause the blades to rust or corrode, the motor to malfunction, or the cord to become brittle. To avoid these issues, it is essential to:

  • Store the clippers in a dry, cool place
  • Keep the blades and motor housing dry
  • Avoid using the clippers near water or other liquids
  • Avoid exposing the clippers to harsh chemicals or solvents

By understanding the causes of wear and tear on Andis clippers and minimizing them, you can keep them in top condition for longer. This will save you money on repairs and replacements and ensure that your clippers are always ready when you need them.

Grooming Techniques with Andis Clippers

When grooming a dog with Andis clippers, it is essential to follow proper techniques to ensure a clean and even cut. Here are some tips to help achieve the best results:

  • Prepare the coat: Before grooming, ensure the dog’s coat is clean and free of tangles or mats. This will help the clippers glide smoothly through the hair and prevent snagging or pulling.
  • Choose the right blade: Andis clippers have various sizes, each designed for specific hair lengths and types. Select the appropriate blade for the desired length of the dog’s hair.
  • Adjust the contact and gapping: The contact refers to the pressure the blade applies to the hair, while the gapping determines the space between the blades. Adjusting the contact and gapping can help achieve a smoother and more precise cut.
  • Use a T-Outliner: A T-Outliner can get a clean and precise cut for hard-to-reach areas around the ears and paws.
  • Maintain the clippers: Proper maintenance is essential for longevity and optimal performance. Clean the blades after each use and oil them regularly to prevent rusting and dulling.

By following these techniques, grooming a dog with Andis clippers can be a breeze. Remember to take your time and use a steady hand for the best results.

Choosing the Right Andis Clippers

When choosing the right Andis clippers, several factors need to be considered. The right clippers can make a massive difference in the quality of the cut and the ease of use. Here are some things to remember when choosing the right Andis clippers.


The motor is one of the most important factors when choosing Andis clippers. The motor determines the power and speed of the clippers. A powerful motor will be able to cut through thick and matted fur with ease. The speed of the motor will also determine how quickly the clippers can cut through the fur.

Clipper Blades

Clipper blades are another important factor to consider when choosing Andis clippers. The blades come in different sizes and are designed for different cuts. The size of the blade will determine the length of the cut. Choosing the right blade for the cut you want to achieve is essential.


The cord is an essential factor to consider when choosing Andis clippers. A long cord can give you more flexibility and make maneuvering the clippers around your dog easier. A shorter cord can be more convenient when working in a small space.

When choosing Andis clippers, it’s essential to consider the motor, clipper blades, and cord. By considering these factors, you can choose the right clippers for your needs and achieve the best possible cut for your dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I troubleshoot clippers that are not cutting?

If your dog clippers are not cutting, you can try a few things to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure the blades are clean and free of debris. If they are dirty, use a small brush to clean them. Next, check the blade tension to ensure it is not too tight or loose. Finally, make sure the clipper is properly lubricated with oil.

What should I do if my Andis clippers are not cutting?

If your Andis clippers are not cutting, try troubleshooting the issue by cleaning the blades, checking the blade tension, and ensuring the clipper is properly lubricated. If these steps do not resolve the issue, replacing the blades or taking the clippers to a professional for repair may be necessary.

Why are my clippers not cutting even though the blades are moving?

If your clippers are not cutting even though the blades are moving, it may be due to dull blades. Over time, the blades can become blunt, resulting in inefficient cutting and pulling of the hair. In this case, try sharpening or replacing the blades.

How can I fix my brand-new Wahl clippers that are not cutting?

If your brand-new Wahl clippers are not cutting, it may be due to a manufacturing defect. In this case, contact the manufacturer for assistance with troubleshooting or replacing the clippers.

What are the best dog clippers for a clean cut?

The best dog clippers for a clean cut will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular brands include Andis, Wahl, and Oster. Look for clippers with sharp blades and adjustable settings to achieve the desired length and style.

Can clipper blades be sharpened, and how do I do it?

Yes, clipper blades can be sharpened. However, it is recommended to have them sharpened by a professional to ensure they are sharpened properly and evenly. If you choose to sharpen them yourself, use a sharpening stone and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

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